Monday, March 25, 2013

Breath of Grace

I allow the images from these last few days to play through my mind. The car broken down, the eyes of the patiently waiting yet sad dog, the clicking of the engine, the kind words of another. I sigh. What a week it's of amazing grace.

A long day at work, much to do at home. His hand stops me. Whispers to be still reach my ears. I breath. There's my manager, grace in his eyes. He gently asks if he can help. My step is lighter.

My friends dog happily comes running. Bliss...not knowing about those pesky human struggles. Should I take her example? As she allows me to handle everything, trotting along with me, I see that God wants me to allow him the same care for me.

I except humility, and allow the grace of help to wash over me, instead of the pain of pride.

"My pleasure" my brother (in law) says as he comes to the rescue. No embarrassment. Only grace. I let out another thanks.

Grace is in the every day moments. Looking back  I see even more grace than when I was in the midst of it. Meditating on what he has done for me takes on new meaning.

Psalm 19:1 
 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

When I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night;

Remembering what he's done in the moments brings a smile to my lips. His presence grows stronger. And I breath. Breath in the grace and love that surrounds me.

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